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Other Fallen
Kirihel (Wrath)
Kirihel is a branded Deistical from Vancouver. He reckoned back before the Codex and fought on the side of the Divine. He left the Divine shortly after the writing of the Codex as he realized his beliefs didn't really match with the other Divine. If you want someone or something hurt or punished he is the man to see. Of course there will always be a cost for his services! Just what that cost is depends on what you want done. He believes in God and he is firm in his belief that he is fulfilling the role that God has chosen for him. Recently, the Deistical of Saskatoon declared that Kirihel was no longer one of them, and he has not yet joined another Conviction.
Timothy (Charity)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas at lorem. Phasellus luctus. Duis blandit est in sapien. Praesent feugiat pharetra lacus. Curabitur pellentesque, tellus eget auctor viverra, neque enim lobortis nulla, vitae tempus nisi purus in pede. Donec magna lacus, dignissim a, dignissim in, interdum eget, eros. Proin tempor eleifend tortor. Cras felis velit, scelerisque at, sagittis nec, vehicula sed, orci. Praesent lacinia, purus ac ultrices lacinia, dui felis rutrum lectus, quis aliquam lorem diam sed mi. Quisque ornare fermentum metus. Etiam mauris. Mauris purus quam, laoreet vel, placerat eget, aliquam quis, odio. Nunc id metus dapibus nulla sagittis pretium. Vivamus et odio non leo eleifend commodo. Nulla facilisi. Quisque porttitor libero id est. Timothy has not yet chosen a Conviction.
Ananga (Charity)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas at lorem. Phasellus luctus. Duis blandit est in sapien. Praesent feugiat pharetra lacus. Curabitur pellentesque, tellus eget auctor viverra, neque enim lobortis nulla, vitae tempus nisi purus in pede. Donec magna lacus, dignissim a, dignissim in, interdum eget, eros. Proin tempor eleifend tortor. Cras felis velit, scelerisque at, sagittis nec, vehicula sed, orci. Praesent lacinia, purus ac ultrices lacinia, dui felis rutrum lectus, quis aliquam lorem diam sed mi. Quisque ornare fermentum metus. Etiam mauris. Mauris purus quam, laoreet vel, placerat eget, aliquam quis, odio. Nunc id metus dapibus nulla sagittis pretium. Vivamus et odio non leo eleifend commodo. Nulla facilisi. Quisque porttitor libero id est. Ananga has not yet chosen a Conviction.
Riley (Lust)
Riley Chand seemed to be as green as a Fallen can get. He claimed that he had Reckoned just three weeks before his first Census, after the Saskatoon Airport suddenly locked down when a flight crew discovered a mysterious package, and a panic ensued. He said he was on his way across Canada, on his first trip to this country, after living in up-state New York for most of his life. Stuck away from his home, his former life and his family, in the middle of nowhere, he seemed to be just making the best of things. Riley was part of The Riot, which is no more. The Kings have recently proclaimed him a traitor to the city, and he is wanted for questioning regarding alleged spying for the Horde. Riley is in hiding and has not been seen by any Fallen in months.