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Deistical Fallen
Prelate - Whitt (Prudence)
A cantankerous scholar who does not suffer fools, period. As a corollary, she seems to view the vast majority of people as being fools. Acerbic, short-tempered but extremely knowledgeable, Whitt is a new addition to the Fallen of Saskatoon, like many others. She quickly found herself choosing the Deistical as her Conviction, perhaps thinking them less foolish than the other two choices. Whitt has recently been made Prelate of the Deistical.
Xaide (Charity)
Xaide is relatively new to the realm of the Fallen and is still very much the collector that he was in his pre-Reckoning days. With his newly awakened awareness of religion, Xaide seeks to liberate/acquire items of religious significance and discover their meaning and purpose. This desire is tempered by a need to give some of the items to the church for use by those he feels have a true need. He is generally willing to aid any who ask, but where conflicts occur with his own interests he can be brutal in his actions to secure what he wants. Feeling abandoned by God, and shaken in what little faith he once had, Xaide is trying to fill that sense of loss by joining the Brood of Saskatoon. He spent several months as Prelate of the Deistical, but recently lost that position.
Mahalia (Charity)
Mahalia used to lead the Deistical of the city. Her calm demeanor and skills as a mediator served her well in that role, especially since she was the sole Deistical in Saskatoon until only recently, and no outsider could have known how deeply animosity ran between the Divine and the Infernal of the city. After the advent of the Last Crusade, Mahalia brought the Codex to Saskatoon after years of self-imposed exile and has remained to maintain it, even though it is rumored that there is some tension between herself and the Kings. Recently, these duties have taken their tole, and she has stepped down to allow Xaide to take her former position as Prelate.
Grace (Hope)
Grace is a calm mature woman who exudes an aura of love and peace. An eternal optimist, she greatly enjoys helping and healing others in any way she can. She has always lived in Saskatoon, remaining strong after the death of her husband and awakening to the life of a Fallen. A respected psychiatrist within the city, Grace maintains a flourishing practice at the University Hospital, and it is well-known that her actions are what keep the area a Paradise of Hope.
Moonbeam (Lust)
Easygoing and laid back, Moonbeam tries to enjoy the good things in life... as for the bad, well, hey, you don't know it's bad until you try it, right? A Hippy and a pacfist at heart, Moonbeam is a Greenpeace member, an activist for P.E.T.A, a vegetarian, and a VIP member of the Sasktoons Swingers Club. He also marches in local rallies pushing to have Pot legalized in Saskatchewan. He does a lot of volunteer and charity work around the city, working with children and the homeless, despite the stereotypes of his Embodiment as being selfish.
Lionel (Nephilim)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas at lorem. Phasellus luctus. Duis blandit est in sapien. Praesent feugiat pharetra lacus. Curabitur pellentesque, tellus eget auctor viverra, neque enim lobortis nulla, vitae tempus nisi purus in pede. Donec magna lacus, dignissim a, dignissim in, interdum eget, eros. Proin tempor eleifend tortor. Cras felis velit, scelerisque at, sagittis nec, vehicula sed, orci. Praesent lacinia, purus ac ultrices lacinia, dui felis rutrum lectus, quis aliquam lorem diam sed mi. Quisque ornare fermentum metus. Etiam mauris. Mauris purus quam, laoreet vel, placerat eget, aliquam quis, odio. Nunc id metus dapibus nulla sagittis pretium. Vivamus et odio non leo eleifend commodo. Nulla facilisi. Quisque porttitor libero id est.