Infernal Fallen
Dove (Pride)
Dove is a newly Reckoned Fallen who seems to have had little trouble adjusting to his new life. In fact he seems to think he was always special, always entitled. He is charismatic, magnetic and utterly without a conscience. A drifter and a prostitute, he easily finds his way into the wallets of the rich and easily-swayed until he has used them up and moved on. Newly arrived in Saskatoon from a rather harrowing journey across the US he is looking for a place to settle in for a while- at least until the money runs out. There is only room for one true love in Dove's heart... and it ain't you, honey. Dove was a member of The Riot, but currently has no Murder.
Baraqyal (Sloth)
A local politician in his mortal life, Baraqyal is a man of contrasts. Hailing from the Embodiment of Sloth, he is suprisingly active and outgoing, and quick to make friends. He is always trying to be helpful, yet disdains help from those around him. His unique views and philosophy on life and the everafter sometimes have a tendancy to get him into trouble, and yet his genial demeanor perhaps gives him more allowance and leeway than most other people would enjoy. Baraqyal was Prelate of Covert Operations, but an attack last month by the Man in Black has left him with no Murder at all, as Kaia, Steve Jones and Azure were all put to the True Death.
Dr. Lilah (Envy)
Dr. Lilah A. Morion is a brilliant scientist, but full of hatred for humanity -- for most living creatures, in fact. There are few things which she has loved, and she has lost all of them either partially or completely. Until December 2006, when she finally Reckoned, her work as a forensic pathologist was her only salvation. Like all Fallen, her ability to use modern technology has been destroyed since her Reckoning. As more memories surface and the reality of her situation unfolds, it becomes increasingly difficult for her to stay within the realms of the Sane and Stable. She is trying to hold on, but what is there to hold on to? Yet she is, even in illness, still brilliant and proud, and driven by the desire to learn. The question is: what will she learn -- and what will be done with that knowledge? Only time will tell. Formerly a member of Covert Operations, Lilah has recently joined Sweet Dreams.
Xuan (Prudence)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas at lorem. Phasellus luctus. Duis blandit est in sapien. Praesent feugiat pharetra lacus. Curabitur pellentesque, tellus eget auctor viverra, neque enim lobortis nulla, vitae tempus nisi purus in pede. Donec magna lacus, dignissim a, dignissim in, interdum eget, eros. Proin tempor eleifend tortor. Cras felis velit, scelerisque at, sagittis nec, vehicula sed, orci. Praesent lacinia, purus ac ultrices lacinia, dui felis rutrum lectus, quis aliquam lorem diam sed mi. Quisque ornare fermentum metus. Etiam mauris. Mauris purus quam, laoreet vel, placerat eget, aliquam quis, odio. Nunc id metus dapibus nulla sagittis pretium. Vivamus et odio non leo eleifend commodo. Nulla facilisi. Quisque porttitor libero id est. Xuan is a member of Sweet Dreams.
Zale (Avarice)
Zale is new to Saskatoon, arriving a few months ago from Edmonton. Although the Fallen of Edmonton fought hard, the city fell, forcing the survivors to flee. Zale loves power, and the best way to get power is money. The best way to get money is drugs, and Zale is building an empire in Saskatoon that should turn a tidy profit. In Edmonton, Zale owned the scene and worked it as hard as he could... his speciality was drugs with an "extra kick", a little bit of Soul. Zale's new drug line, called Havish, is a highly addictive compound literally infused with a hint of mortal soul. The high pulls the user into the last emotional state experienced by the victim, and it's a top seller, even among Fallen. Zale is determined not to lose another city to the Host or the Horde... he wants to OWN this town, through the addictions of others. Zale has recently joined the Murder, Sweet Dreams.
Tyressa (Sloth)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas at lorem. Phasellus luctus. Duis blandit est in sapien. Praesent feugiat pharetra lacus. Curabitur pellentesque, tellus eget auctor viverra, neque enim lobortis nulla, vitae tempus nisi purus in pede. Donec magna lacus, dignissim a, dignissim in, interdum eget, eros. Proin tempor eleifend tortor. Cras felis velit, scelerisque at, sagittis nec, vehicula sed, orci. Praesent lacinia, purus ac ultrices lacinia, dui felis rutrum lectus, quis aliquam lorem diam sed mi. Quisque ornare fermentum metus. Etiam mauris. Mauris purus quam, laoreet vel, placerat eget, aliquam quis, odio. Nunc id metus dapibus nulla sagittis pretium. Vivamus et odio non leo eleifend commodo. Nulla facilisi. Quisque porttitor libero id est. Tyressa is a member of Sweet Dreams.
Sapphire (Nephilim)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas at lorem. Phasellus luctus. Duis blandit est in sapien. Praesent feugiat pharetra lacus. Curabitur pellentesque, tellus eget auctor viverra, neque enim lobortis nulla, vitae tempus nisi purus in pede. Donec magna lacus, dignissim a, dignissim in, interdum eget, eros. Proin tempor eleifend tortor. Cras felis velit, scelerisque at, sagittis nec, vehicula sed, orci. Praesent lacinia, purus ac ultrices lacinia, dui felis rutrum lectus, quis aliquam lorem diam sed mi. Quisque ornare fermentum metus. Etiam mauris. Mauris purus quam, laoreet vel, placerat eget, aliquam quis, odio. Nunc id metus dapibus nulla sagittis pretium. Vivamus et odio non leo eleifend commodo. Nulla facilisi. Quisque porttitor libero id est. Sapphire is the daughter of Zachael.