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Deceased Fallen
Seraphiel (Hope)
Seraphiel was found dead by the White Knight and his Choir during the November 2005 Census. She was a recently-Reckoned University student, whose body was discovered near campus by Tilonas, the White Knight. She was the first victim of a strange Angelic Plague, and her name was only discovered by the other Fallen when an Angelic Affection, bewildered and mindless, wandered into the Census bearing a note that indicated who the victim was, and that other new Fallen would soon follow her in True Death, a clear message from her murderer.
Tilonas (Temperance)
The former White Knight of the Civitas, Tilonas (usually called Thomas) was the very close friend of Manahem, the White King. He had served the city since the coming of the Codex and even before, as Manahem's right hand in his old Choir. Thomas first came to the city in the 1950's, and, like Manahem, remained aloof in the War between Divine and Infernal before the Last Crusade began. Tilonas was killed by the so-called "Book" Dominion, whose name is now known to be Valaphon, in front of his newly-formed Choir (which included Tandal, Thomas and John Smith), to be "set down in the Book of Endings". His Choir escaped, but he was slain. This occured in November 2005.
Sasha (Fortitude)
Sasha was a newly-Reckoned Fallen of Fortitude, who arrived at her first Census (March 2006) already afflicted with the strange Angelic Plague that is now known to be the handiwork of the Dominion, Alatariel. She joined the Divine, but died the True Death before the night was finished, despite the efforts of many other Fallen to help her. Those who were prepared to purify her physical form through the Hollow Death did not get the chance to do so. Many of the Divine were devastated at her death, having become very fond of her despite her short tenure amongst the Fallen. She left behind her twin sister, Kate, who also Reckoned as a Fallen of Fortitude, shortly thereafter.
Doctor Don (Pride)
Dr. Don was a local semi-celebrity, a mass-media Psychologist reminiscient of "Dr. Phil", who Reckoned as a Fallen of Pride. He had a local radio show, and his practice made big money... he wasn't prepared to give it all up when he Reckoned in December 2005. He joined the Infernal, then fell ill with the Angelic Plague only a couple of months later. He hid his illness from the other Fallen, until it got so bad he couldn't stand it. At the April 2006 Census, he was put to the Hollow Death by Manahem, the White King, in an attempt to see if he could be cured by a trip to Purgatory. His body was found at his Domus a few days later, revealing that the Plague could not be staved off via the Hollow Death.
Jericho (Justice)
Jericho was a large man in his mid-thirties. Hard and dedicated to his duties, Jericho possessed a darker side; his past had taken its toll. Known to once have been a member of the Infernal, sharing a Congregation with the notorious Sharru and their Prelate, Abel, Jericho, but left on rather negative terms. He surprised everyone the day the Codex was introduced to Saskatoon, crossing the floor to join the Divine and becoming the White Bishop, a position he took very seriously. He felt that the Divine, unlike the Infernal, would allow him to truly extend the hand of Justice into the city. Jericho was killed in July 2006 by the mysterious Man in Black while on a stake-out.
Nathaniel (Temperance)
The brother of Tilonas, this Divine came to the city from Alberta in March, 2006, hoping to find out what had happened to his sibling and to speak to Manahem, who he knew to be Tilonas' good friend from decades past. After learning of Tilonas' fate, Nathaniel decided to stay in the city, to help the local faltering Divine in their battle against the Angels who had killed his brother. An intense, unforgiving Fallen, Nathaniel made few friends among the Divine in the city during his stay. He was murdered by the mysterious Man in Black in July 2006, while on a stake-out with Jericho, the White Bishop.
Sharru/Nergal (Gluttony)
Sharru was an evil psychopath, and first held the position of Black Knight, then Black Rook. He appeared in the city shortly after Zachael's split from the Divine many decades ago, being the first infernal recruit in Saskatoon. He reveled in the pain and suffering of others whether or not he was the source. Sharru did not target the Fallen other than in direct self-defense or retaliation, until he recently lost control and developed a god-complex, and began to physically transform into a demonic nightmare. When in combat, he fought like a wild animal, showing no self-control or mercy to his opponents. Sharru was taken down by a collection of Infernal and Divine who came to realize that he had ceased to be a functional member of the Civitas, and even then it took the combined might of numerous Fallen to do the job. For his crimes, he was executed by Crucifixion, by order of the Kings, at the October 2006 Census.
Paige (Justice)
Paige was a rich kid, but one that no one ever expected to amount to much. She'd been a professional student for years, never very commited and rarely in class. She was responsible for some sort of great injustice before her Reckoning, and although she never told anyone what had happened, she spent all of her time since then trying to right wrongs and create Justice in an injust world. Since her Reckoning, she had stayed away from her wealthy family, living with the Deistical she had joined. During the fighting against Sharru, she fought beyond the point of reason, throwing herself on him to prevent his escape... only to have him grab her and carry her off with him. After Sharru's capture and destruction, her body was found, crucified and tortured to death. She was found in November, 2006.
Mark Mason (Temperance)
Mark Mason was an architect in life, and a damned good one, too. A devout catholic, he was unwilling to believe that Angels of God could wish harm upon anyone, and could not be dissuaded. He felt that death at the hands of the Host meant he would simply find himself back in Heaven. Unlike other Fallen, he found he could travel with ease, and spent most of his time in the rural countryside, away from other Fallen. While he waited for the Rapture, he spent his time designing an amazing new Cathedral for the city of Saskatoon, which was built near the river. He was found dead near his Cathedral in November, 2006... apparently killed by the Plague.
Abdiel (Faith)
Abdiel was an Innocent when he was first discovered in April 2006, a hopelessly naive new Reckon who believed that he was in personal contact with God. His faith in his own righteousness was unshakable, even though he rapidly lost his Innocence as the night progressed. Despite his shock and outrage at violent acts taken by the other Divine, he quickly joined that Conviction, seeing it as the only real choice. Abdiel befriended Dr. Johnathan, A Prudent Fallen, and the two of them refused to come to Census for several months, eventually forming a Choir with other new Reckons under their Prelate Hollow, a new arrival to the city from out west. Abdiel was killed defending his Choir when they were attacked by Angels in December, 2006.
Razishta (Justice)
A self-righteous Fallen with a determined sense or right and wrong, Razishta Reckoned in 2005 but was not discovered by the local Fallen until April, 2006. She was found by the Deistical, but quickly joined the Divine. Razishta made few friends at her first Census due to her rather severe nature, and left early. She was not seen again by the Fallen of Saskatoon until August, when she was discovered by Hollow and joined her fledgling Choir, along with Tao, Abdiel and Dr. Johnathan. Razishta was killed in December, 2006, when her Choir was attacked by Angels.
Zasalamel (Gluttony)
Zasalamel was a horrible person. He got an early start in life as a street thug, knifing other kids in the school yard, and eventually he moved up to organized crime. Pimping and pornography were his main businesses, and many girls went missing from Saskatoon streets due to his activities. He Reckoned in January of 2006, and at his very first Census, angered the White King to the point where Manahem actually struck him. He was a member of Covert Operations, but disappeared from the city in the Fall of 2006. Even his old "business partner" Kaia has not seen him, and it is widely suspected that he was destroyed by the enemies of the city.
Liliam (Avarice)
Having spent the majority of her recent life in and out of detention centers, Liliam was extremely cynical and not particularly fond of other people, Fallen or otherwise. She was an extremely jaded and angry girl. Her chosen profession before her Reckoning was a scam artist/hacker. Until her Reckoning, the internet had been her weapon of choice. However, no longer being able use technology, she became even more ticked off at everyone and everything around her. She was often seen laughing at something that seemed funny to no one but her, but those who knew her knew that she was doing her very best not to tell people to #*$& off. Liliam was in the Black Knight's Murder, The Riot. She was killed in March, 2007, when a pair of Angels attacked the Riot's Domus.
Chastity (Lust)
Chastity was a bad apple from the start. She possessed the uncanny power to force emotional outbursts upon others, either feelings of lust/love, or hate and rage. Her very first Census after her Reckoning, she callously manipulated Paige, Xaide, McBride, Tandal, Liliam and others. McBride quickly forgave her, and welcomed her into the Infernal fold, but she was loathe to spend much time among the other Fallen, prefering to avoid those she had toyed with who now despised her with a passion. When the Riot encountered a raging Angel and Chastity was apparently killed, many eyebrows were raised at her later return. Eventually, she was discovered to have made a deal with the Horde, and was serving as their spy among the Fallen. She was killed in March 2007, executed for her crimes by the Kings of the Civitas.
Paul (Faith)
A very short-lived Fallen, Paul was discovered by McBride in January of 2007. He had been spending time at the new Cathedral and had reckoned there, a Fallen of Faith. It took much convincing on the part of McBride to persuade him to come to the Census, where he was befriended by Manahem and taught the basics of Fallen society. He was very wary of the Infernal, and although Manahem claimed to have continued contact with Paul, he was not seen again at any Census. He was killed in April of 2007 near the Downtown area, when two rampaging Angels of Justice discovered him on his own.
Lucky St. Claire (Avarice)
Lucky was a TV evangelist preacher, gifted at inspiring a congregation and collecting money for local churches. He Reckoned locally only a few short months before being discovered by the Fallen in May 2006. A former compatriot of Dr. Don, the TV psychiatrist, Lucky had an inkling of the existance of the Fallen previous to his Reckoning. He quickly joined the Divine as a member of The Advisors. Despised by Manahem and some of the less open-minded Divine, Lucky did not come to Census very often, and eventually disappeared altogether. It was with great surprise that Satael's patrol discovered him defending Paul from the Angels of Justice in April 2007. He was killed before the others could come to his aid.
McBride (Wrath)
McBride reckoned only two years ago. Back then she was a criminal, a drugged up barfly, and the drummer of the now broken-up metal band, "Abortion Smoothie". McBride tried really hard to be an upstanding citizen in the Fallen community. She even stopped doing the heavy @&%*# and cleaned up a bit so she can make good on the responsibilities of being Black Knight. She even asked the Kings to cut off her head to prove her worthiness for the position. She was well-liked and loyal to her friends, and a truly solid Knight. She was killed in combat with an Angel of Justice during a patrol of the city in April, 2007.
Ozarael (Temperance)
A long time ago, Ozarael was the first Fallen to come to Saskatoon. Intrigued by the Saskatoon temperance colony experiment, he arrived in the last years of the 19th century, along with his constant companion, Umial, who was also a Fallen of Temperance. It was Ozarael who first discovered Manahem upon his Reckoning, and led the first Choir in Saskatoon, consisting of himself, Umial, Manahem, Zachael and Manahem's brother Deramiel. In the years to come, he became disatisfied with the city, as the temperance colony experiment failed. He and his disciple left the Civitas, passing leadership of their Choir (called "the Golden Path") to Manahem. He was not heard from since... until recently, when Ozarael, now a member of the Remnant, returned at last to Saskatoon after over 80 years. Ozarael was found dead in April 2007, apparently killed in combat with the powerful Armaros, a very powerful Angel.
Robert (Fortitude)
In his previous life, Robert was a forest-fire-fighter, whose Reckoning occurred when he awoke in a local hospital to find himself the only survivor of his entire fire-fighting team, killed when a fire-break failed in the face of a freak wind storm. This Fallen of Fortitude wandered the streets of Saskatoon for months before he was discovered in the Fall of 2006 by Xaide. He was brought to a Census, although he did not chose a Conviction at that time, and he has not been seen since. Robert is presumed to have been killed by one of the many enemies of the city, since no Fallen has been able to find him or hear word of him in many months.
Mr. Crook (Pride)
This unusual Fallen of Pride was obsessed with architecture. He came to Saskatoon around the time that the construction began on the new Cathedral, and he was obviously involved to some degree. Crook was reputed to be searching for the means to re-construct the Tower of Babel, a building so high that it would reach to Heaven itself. He seemed to be convinced that Saskatoon was the ideal place to construct this tower, although he was very secretive about WHY he wanted to build in Saskatoon. Mr. Crook was apparently thwarted in his attempts by unknown business interests, and has since moved on to Dubai, where he is involved with Emaar Properties, working to build an enormous skyscraper in the Middle East.
Zane (Wrath)
Picture this: That guy in the corner of the seedy bar, drinking, smoking and being an ass. He hits on your girl and starts a fight with half the bar. Zane was the guy that nobody wanted to admit that they liked having around. He was fearless, but perhaps because he's not smart enough to know his own limits. He was crude, he was forward and he was entertaining. Sometimes, under the right conditions, he was even a smooth talker. Some might even have considered him charming, but those people were few and far between (and probably drunk). Zane used to be Infernal, but was cozying up to Fallen from all three Convictions while he was in Saskatoon. He seems to have left for greener pastures, however, and is presumed to have left the city months ago, since he hasn't been heard from by anyone in ages.
Vatusia (Fortitude/Wrath)
Vatusia was the White Queen of Saskatoon for many years, and was the right-hand-woman to the former White King, Manahem. She was intensely devoted to Manahem and the white court, and would do what was required of her with utter dedication... although it was uncertain how she felt about the new King, Ruth. She appeared to be of average stature, but she surprised any foolish enough to cross her with a wealth of strength, seemingly beyond her physical capacity. She cared for very few people or places, but those feelings she did have were extremely intense. Among the fallen, the only people she had an obvious connection to were Manahem and Mahalia... so it was fitting that she died by Manahem's hand, while Mahalia was trying to save her. Her mind broken by multiple trips to Purgatory and the shattering of an orderly life she had taken comfort in for decades, Manahem apparently deemed her beyond help, and ended her life in July of 2007.
Spandarmad (Envy)
Spandarmad was a Fallen of Envy from California. A train accident caused his Reckoning and stranded him here, at the same time forceably awakening the memories that God had buried long ago. As he remembered the truth of his existence, so too did he remember his anger from the moment of the Fall. Awake and unhappy with his lot, Spandarmad sought the means to strike back at the Celestials, joining the Infernal. Spandarmad belonged to Baraqyal's Murder, Covert Operations, and was heavily involved with the local Cult, the Advocates of Finality. His followers worshiped him as a demi-god, and he spent little time with the other Fallen. In August of 2007, he was found dead in the north end, his body skinned and stuffed with herbs, and crucified on the wall of a warehouse that was once used by his Cult as a meeting place... how and when exactly he was killed is as of yet unknown.
Vinny (Justice)
"The people of this city, from the uneducated man in the street to the psychiatric "expert", say that I am insane, a homicidal maniac, even a sociopathic serial killer. But they have overlooked a profound fact: what I do is for the good of society, not to its detriment. The personality defects which they ascribe to me all contain as a fundamental part of their definition the performance of anti-societal activities. Although the executions I perform seem frightening and cruel to the inhabitants of this city, they are certainly not anti-societal. Hence these "expert" analyses fail for want of clarity of vision." Vinny was a member of The Clash, and something of a maverick. He continuously butted heads with the Kings right up until September of 2007, when he sacrificed himself in battle with Angels so that Tandal could escape and bring Manahem to justice.
Manahem (Faith)
Manahem was the White King of Saskatoon for many years. He was one of the eldest Fallen in the region, and his open faith in the Creator was seemingly unshakable. Manahem was once a dedicated defender of all Fallen, regardless of Conviction. He saw himself as the father figure for the Saskatoon Fallen, and wished that all members of the Civitas would join him on the Golden Path to regain their divine Grigori role. After he was removed as King, Manahem left the Divine to join the Deistical. He later left the mainstream Convictions entirely and proclaimed himself a Bygone. Suspected of communicating with the Host, he was attacked by Fallen of the Courts, and went into self-imposed exile. For several months, he was not seen by the Fallen of Saskatoon. He has finally returned, no longer considering himself Fallen, but instead acting like one of the Host, attacking and killing the Fallen where he can find them. He was declared an Enemy of the City by the Kings, and was captured and executed by Crucifixion in September of 2007.
Nautha (Fortitude)
A fresh face among the fallen of Saskatoon, Nautha was a solitary being.
Outside of refining her skills and helping to maintain the defense of the city, she could have been seen as a recluse. She prefered to spend her off-time nestled up somewhere dark, finding great value in solitude and silence. Nautha stalled her decision of Convictions long enough to hear all sides before choosing her place among the Deistical, although she spent most of her time with the Infernal. Amongst other fallen she spoke her mind but was primarily an observer, which made her actions better informed. Apathetic and withdrawn would be words to describe her from afar, but there were many flaws in the resolute appearance she maintained. A competent warrior, Nautha was appointed Grey Knight, and later Grey Rook to the Black Court. Over the past few months, she became more and more unstable, until finally she assaulted Sophie for no apparent reason and fled the city. Her death at the hands of roving Angels has been confirmed by Dey of the Divine.
Ruth (Prudence)
Ruth was an ordinary graduate student (dishevelled, sleep-deprived, and hungry) in Biochemistry until an explosion in the lab forced her Reckoning. Narrowly escaping being committed after telling a therapist about her post-Reckoning visions, she was discovered by Tandal in a library on campus. Ruth had some trouble adjusting to Fallen life, like giving up her Biochem M.Sc. for something a little less technical (English!), but was willing to help the Fallen however she could. Not much of a fighter, Ruth did have an amazing ability to find information. In partnership with Whitt, she could unearth just about any piece of information a Fallen could desire. Ruth also had some facility for determining future events, but this power did not save her, in the end. Ruth was Prelate of her own Choir, called The Advisors, until she was selected to replace Tandal as the White King. She was assassinated by the Demon Sykes/Kane during Court in September of 2007.
Samuel (Pride)
Formerly the Black Rook, Samuel was a fierce competitor who did not take loss well. He prefered people to come to HIM, as he considered his friendship and knowledge to be valuable. Samuel prefered action, intrigue and adventure over artsy-fartsy talk and bullshit. As an Angel, Samuel had unbending faith and pride in his role as a Grigori, but after his Reckoning all of that was called into question. Being important was what Samuel cared most about, although he felt himself barred from holding a court position that mattered. Planning things out and not reacting rashly were qualities you could count on Samuel for, and in fact it recently came to light that Samuel was attempting to follow in Manahem's footsteps and make contact with the Host. Samuel had developed an obvious relationship with Talia of the Deistical, but even she had not seen him in months. The Kings put Samuel to death by Crucifixion behind closed doors, in September of 2007, as punishment for conspiring with the Host.
Hollow (Sloth)
Hollow appeared to be just that. She was friendly but evinced no greater emotions for those around her. Despite her Slothful nature, she was a member of the Divine. Her life before her reckoning taught her that passion led to the worst things in life and should be avoided at all costs. She was new to Saskatoon, having come here from the Civitas of Seattle, and had recently opened a free addictions rehab clinic in the lower levels of a downtown office building. She had put together a Choir, Sufferance, with the aid of her friend Tao, including several young local Fallen who she had befriended. Hollow became Prelate of her Choir. She was murdered by the Demon, Kane, in October of 2007 and her severed head was sent to her grieving Choir.
Josee (Justice)
Josee was a very newly reckoned Fallen of Justice. She was brought to a Census within mere hours of her Reckoning. She remained quiet and aloof despite her unfamiliarity with the rules of the new society of which she had become a part. Josee was often seen quietly watching the social interactions of the various Choirs, and this might have been interpretted as rude or off-putting. She spendt all of her time trying to understand the new context in which she found herself, and attempting to decide which school of thought best suited her history as a desk sergeant in the Saskatoon Police Force. Josee's death in October of 2007, under the flaming swords of a Choir of Angels, was witnessed by some new arrivals to the city.
Talia (Temperance)
Talia managed to avoid the Fallen of the city for at least six months after her reckoning and then spent many months trying to find her place after she was found. She made it very clear that while she had no problems pulling her own weight she wasn't here to make friends. She appeared very open and friendly, and until recently was a member of the Infernal (some Fallen questioned why such a friendly girl would be a member of the Infernal). Talia was part of Covert Operations, and later The Riot... however, she later resolved her Withering Embodiment and became fully Virtuous. In the wake of this transformation, she left the Infernal and joined the Deistical. Talia's death in October of 2007, under the flaming swords of a Choir of Angels, was witnessed by some new arrivals to the city.
Kaia (Gluttony)
A former Madam at a local escort service, Kaia was involved in local prostitution rings for most of her life. Having made her way up the ranks, she was quite content to put other young girls through the same horrors that she herself had experienced, and eventually embraced, teaching them that pleasure is all that matters. Her Gluttonous views of sin and vice made her especially fond of manipulating mortals, so it was somewhat surprising to the local Fallen that she joined the Infernal rather than the Deistical. She and her associate, a Gluttonous Fallen named Zasalamel, were particularly despised by Manahem. Kaia was a member of Baraqyal's Murder, Covert Operations. She was crucified and killed by the Man in Black along with the rest of her Murder (except Baraqyal, who escaped) in October of 2007.
Azure (Avarice)
"Yeah, sometimes I might act tough. What can I say, I'm a metal fan! Or I was, anyway. It's got a lot harder after, well you know. OK, so I'm also a bit of a princess, I never really had to take care of myself. Well, I guess I'll just have to prove I'm as tough as I act. But that's enough about me... I'd really rather hear about you." Azure was a rather mysterious figure, who avoided most other Fallen in the city. She was a member of Baraqyal's Murder, Covert Operations, and was crucified and killed by the Man in Black along with the rest of her Murder (except Baraqyal, who escaped) in October of 2007.
Steve Jones (Avarice)
Steve Jones was a freelance Las Vegas moneylender. Profiting primarily from gamblers, his organization was small enough to avoid legal and underworld trouble with relatively comfortable revenues. Reckoned during a near-confrontation with a "connected" casino manager, Steve found himself inexplicably drawn to Saskatoon and, despite his business urge to remain in Vegas, moved to that remote city. He survived the situation through his newfound superhuman techniques and, having been an avid comic fan as a teenager, was thrilled by their presence in his life. Steve had a bit of a reputation as a trouble maker, and was a member of Baraqyal's Murder, Covert Operations. He was crucified and killed by the Man in Black along with the rest of her Murder (except Baraqyal, who escaped) in October of 2007.
Malphas (Envy)
Malphas was Zachael's long-time Black Bishop. For some of the younger Fallen he may not have been what they would expect from the Infernal. He was genial, friendly, and more than willing to offer any assistance to anyone who should ask for it. Some of the Fallen who knew him well knew better. Malphas was apparently once called Anauel, and Manahem still referred to him this way, though he never responded if addressed by that name. It was said that he was once of the Divine, of the embodiment of Faith, but left to join Zachael's Murder and fell to Sin. In recent months, he had been avoiding Census, prefering to spend his time with Kate of the Divine, and eventually lost his position as Bishop to Auriel. Satael recently determined that Malphas and Kate left the city several months ago, and have not returned.
Kate (Fortitude)
Kate was the twin sister of the deceased Fallen of Fortitude, Sasha. Her Reckoning occured when she learned of her sister's death from Malphas, who had been somewhat taken with Sasha. Malphas and Kate immediately formed a strong bond, although Kate joined the Divine. A strong fighter, Kate quickly joined with The Clash. She was a student of Manahem up until his decision to leave the Divine, after which point Kate was rarely to be seen at Census, instead spending all of her time with Malphas, who seemed to be slowly changing and becoming more and more Moral and Virtuous as their association continued. The two Fallen were seen less and less in the Civitas, and recently it has been learned that they had left the city several months ago, and have not returned.
Bina (Justice/Sloth)
Bina spent her life on the streets, first as a child prostitute, later as a drug addict and sometimes pusher. She Reckoned when she came closer to death than she ever had before, as an angry pimp came at her with a knife. She was a broken woman, hovering on the brink between a desire for Justice and change, and the hopeless apathy of Sloth. Discovered in the spring of 2006, Bina had not yet chosen a Conviction when she abruptly stopped coming to Census. She has not been seen in several months, and is presumed dead.