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Black King - Zachael (Avarice)
The ringleader of the Infernal ever since he broke away from Manahem's Choir five decades ago. In the time before the Last Crusade, he was a bitter foe of the Divine, and Manahem in particular, although he prided himself on using more "refined" methods than some of his fellow Infernal. Since the Fallen of the Civitas have sworn to the Codex, he has taken the position of Black King. For the moment he has put aside his grudge against Manahem's Divine and works together with his opposite in the White Court, and he has little patience with those who choose not to follow this example of cooperation.
Black Regent - Satael (Envy)
Satael has been in the city since the 1930s, and has been the agent of Zachael from the beginning, even before they both defected during the schism of the 1950s. It is commonly known that since then, he has shifted identity a number of times; therefore, it comes as no surprise that he is known for being cold and distant. He has also been called ruthless and calculating; even an utter bastard. He is also sometimes called heretic, as he holds theories about the reasons for the last crusade and the role of the fallen in the cosmos that are very divergent from popular opinion.
Black Bishop - Auriel (Sloth)
A very successful businessman in his previous life, Auriel has found himself thrown into the world of the Fallen ever since his life's work took a turn for the worse and he lost everything. A small, quiet man, used to power struggles and games of the business world, Auriel now finds himself playing a new game where the stakes are much higher, and you have to cooperate to survive. Old habits are hard to break; but Auriel has been able to adapt. For some time he was leading a Murder of his own, Covert Operations, but has recently been appointed to the position of Black Bishop.
Black Rook - Malachi (Wrath)
A former city police officer, Malachi has been a Fallen for over a year now. If there's one thing Malachi doesn't like, it's stupid people, and there's a lot of them out there. After all of his years as an undercover officer on the force, he should know. Not much more is known about his past, and he likes it that way. These days, Malachi mostly parties, beats in heads, and busts up Angels with McBride. Being a Fallen Angel is just icing on the cake, as far as he's concerned. Malachi was a member of the Riot and was McBride's strong right hand up until her death. He was made Black Knight to replace her, but the subsequent disintegragion of his Murder has left him without foot-soldiers to command, and so he has been made Rook instead.
Black Knight - Lelahel (Lust)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas at lorem. Phasellus luctus. Duis blandit est in sapien. Praesent feugiat pharetra lacus. Curabitur pellentesque, tellus eget auctor viverra, neque enim lobortis nulla, vitae tempus nisi purus in pede. Donec magna lacus, dignissim a, dignissim in, interdum eget, eros. Proin tempor eleifend tortor. Cras felis velit, scelerisque at, sagittis nec, vehicula sed, orci. Praesent lacinia, purus ac ultrices lacinia, dui felis rutrum lectus, quis aliquam lorem diam sed mi. Quisque ornare fermentum metus. Etiam mauris. Mauris purus quam, laoreet vel, placerat eget, aliquam quis, odio. Nunc id metus dapibus nulla sagittis pretium. Vivamus et odio non leo eleifend commodo. Nulla facilisi. Quisque porttitor libero id est. Lelahel is Prelate of Sweet Dreams, and has recently been made Black Knight.