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Divine Fallen
Arah (Justice)
Arah is driven, cold, and ruthless. After his reckoning, Arah found that he could no longer tolerate watching the weak suffer at the hands of those who would prey upon them. Arah is a predator, through and through, and has no compassion towards agents of vice and chaos. He will not hesitate to inflict the pain he sees innocents suffer on their victimizers, redeeming them through agony. Equal parts rage and calculating intelligence, Arah wears his personal sin on his left arm, and has no qualms about helping others... as long as he gets to send the wicked to the gates of Hell. Arah is a member of the White Knight's Choir, The Clash.
Manson (Faith)
Manson is fiercely determined to redeem himself for something horrible he did that caused his Reckoning. He lost everything dear to him when he Reckoned and is tight-lipped about what he did for fear of losing his new friends among the Fallen. Since meeting his fellow Fallen and learning of his true self, he can be found at every available training opportunity that will make him a better warrior to defend his new found friends. Manson is a member of the White Knight's Choir, The Clash.
Sophie (Faith)
Sophie Larkin is a newly-Reckoned Fallen of Faith. A social worker by education, she is employed presently by the Riverbend Inner City Ministry of the United Church. She found her way to the Fallen of Saskatoon while seeking solace in St. Andrews' after her Reckoning. She quickly decided to join the Divine, but seems to be dividing her time between all three Convictions at present. She is quiet, gentle, and seemingly bewildered by the new world she has discovered. Everyone can sense the aura of pure Innocence that surounds Sophie, which keeps her safe from (most) harm. Sophie was a member of The Advisors, which no longer exists. She is a member of Sufferance.
Gapan (Gluttony)
There is no one who celebrates existence more than Gapan. On any given night you may find him having an orgy in the hot tub, dining on an extravagant feast prepared by his personal chef, enjoying a extasy soaked cuddle puddle, and/or feverishly debating how the wonders of life are proof of God's love for us. A long-Reckoned Fallen, Gapan came to this city from Vancouver after an arduous journey, intrigued by the tales of Saskatoon's recent mass-Reckoning and wanting to learn more of the local situation. Gapan was a member of the now-defunct Choir, "The Advisors", and has recently joined Sufferance.
Eloriel (Prudence/Lust)
Although Eloriel is new to Saskatoon, she has been active as a Fallen for quite some time. These days she calls herself Prudent and is a part of the Divine, but it wasn't always so. Once, she was a terrible force for evil in the world - as a couple of Fallen in the Civitas can attest. She tries hard to make amends, though, racking up good deeds against the debt she built up in the past. If you need to find her, just look for someone scribbling in a little notebook - though what she's always writing, few seem to know for sure. Eloriel is a member of Sufferance.
Kabniel (Temperance)
Kabniel is a seventeen-year-old girl and one of the newest Reckons in Saskatoon. Born in a leap year, she often jokes "I'm only four!", but her final year of High School was cut tragically short. Her parents, who were apparently relatives of the White Bishop, Thomas, were killed in a car crash which left her dazed and wandering the city until she Reckoned mere hours before the February 2007 Census. She is generally rather shy around new people, and does not often speak. She blames herself for her parents' deaths, but remembers little else about her past, suffering from post-traumatic amnesia. Kabniel has just recently joined the Divine, and lives with her uncle, Thomas.
Dey (Faith)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas at lorem. Phasellus luctus. Duis blandit est in sapien. Praesent feugiat pharetra lacus. Curabitur pellentesque, tellus eget auctor viverra, neque enim lobortis nulla, vitae tempus nisi purus in pede. Donec magna lacus, dignissim a, dignissim in, interdum eget, eros. Proin tempor eleifend tortor. Cras felis velit, scelerisque at, sagittis nec, vehicula sed, orci. Praesent lacinia, purus ac ultrices lacinia, dui felis rutrum lectus, quis aliquam lorem diam sed mi. Quisque ornare fermentum metus. Etiam mauris. Mauris purus quam, laoreet vel, placerat eget, aliquam quis, odio. Nunc id metus dapibus nulla sagittis pretium. Vivamus et odio non leo eleifend commodo. Nulla facilisi. Quisque porttitor libero id est. Dey currently has joined no Choir.