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Predomination Every neighbourhood in a given city has a Predomination, which consists of two elements... first, a moral scale (Hellhole/Slum/Neutral/Pleasant/Paradise) and second, an Embodiment. The latter is one of the Virtues or Sins, just like Fallen have, and only effects the FEEL of the neighbourhood. In other words, if a Neighbourhood has an Embodiment of Temperance, then the people there are fairly reserved and disciplined. The former, the moral scale, defaults to Neutral, unless one of two things occurs. A) the StoryGuides can decide, based on the actions and lifestyles of mortals who live in that area, that the default for a given Neighbourhood is higher or lower. This means that a particularly scummy part of town might default to Slum, etc. Or, B) a Fallen can work to change the morality of a neighbourhood. They do this by encouraging the populace to perform actions that are appropriate to the chosen result... for example, making a neighbourhood into a Wrath Slum means making people commit acts of violence. Making a Faith Pleasant might mean getting people to go to Church more. Neighbourhoods generally follow obvious border guidelines, ie, those that would be obvious to the populace in question (for example, University Campus is a pretty recognizable region, with well-defined borders. Downtown is another. City Park is a third.) When the borders between these neighbourhoods are unclear, the overlap between them tends to be Neutral, or a combination of the two Predominances on either side. There is a map of our game's Saskatoon Predominance neighbourhoods linked below. If a neighbourhood is not at it's default Predomination due to manipulation by a Fallen, it will slowly deteriorate back to that default at a rate of 1 success per month. In other words, a Paradise or Hellhole (minimum 10 successes to create) takes at least 10 months to deteriorate one level back towards Neutral (or wherever its default has been set by the SGs). A Maintenance action may be performed in order to recover lost successes, or even to build up extra successes beyond the minimum required (ie, a Paradise takes 10 Successes to create, but you can build up beyond 10 through Maintenance). In a moral neighbourhood, moral characters get bonuses. These bonuses are mostly in the form of non-mechanistic "feelgood" bonuses. In other words, a moral character feels most at home in a moral neighbourhood, and an immoral character feels most at home in an IMMORAL neighbourhood. This is because the Morality and Embodiment of the Neighbourhood both affect how that neighbourhood FEELS to be in. A Wrath Hellhole is rife with tension, contains roving gangs... it's all fear and anger, and thus Moral characters would feel very uncomfortable there. A Charity Paradise feels wonderful, and all the people care about each other and help one another... you'd be just fine if your car breaks down in such a place, and Immoral character will thus feel uncomfortable there. The only mechanistic effects occur when a character has a matching morality AND a matching Embodiment, or if a character is at odds with the Predominance, as follows: Paradise: All immoral Fallen must spend 2 Adversity Zeal to gain an Inspiration instead of 1, and all Endeavor difficulties in this area are one step harder for them. Also, moral Fallen still get the bonus as for Pleasant. Pleasant: All moral Fallen of the favoured Embodiment (and no others) get a Potent Inspiration when they spend an Adversity Zeal, instead of a regular Inspiration. Neutral: No effect on any Fallen. Slum: All immoral Fallen of the favoured Embodiment (and no others) get a Potent Inspiration when they spend an Adversity Zeal, instead of a regular Inspiration. Hellhole: All moral Fallen must spend 2 Adversity Zeal to gain an Inspiration instead of 1, and all Endeavor difficulties in this area are one step harder for them. Also, all immoral Fallen still get the bonus as for Slum. A Predomination Endeavor cannot have any Resources or Professions put towards it, and takes a lot of work to perform. A neighbourhood must be reduced to Neutral before it can be set to a new Embodiment, so if you want to turn a Hopeful Paradise into a Wrathful Slum, you have to reduce it to Pleasant first, then Neutral, and finally Slum. You can only change the Predomination by one rank per Endeavor, and it takes time... 6 successes are required to reduce a Slum or a Pleasant to Neutral, 8 successes to bring a Neutral up to a Slum or a Pleasant, and 10 successes to bring a Slum or a Pleasant all the way to a Hellhole or a Paradise. |
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