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Secular Power - We are using the "old system" for downtime and Secular Actions. See below for details. - All characters start with one rank of Temporary Secular Power for free. - The maximum Temporary Secular Power a character can have is 4. - Maximum Temporary Resources is also 4, per category (ie, if you have 2 Adversity Zeal, you can have up to 2 Wealth, 2 Spies, 2 Thugs, etc. If you have 5 Adversity Zeal, you are still limited to 4 of each). - Resources and Professions may be used on any action deemed appropriate by the StoryGuide. Professions used for non-standard actions give only a re-roll. - If you wish, you may put ALL of your Secular Power (ie, both your Major and Minor Endeavors) towards a single goal. If you do this, you get 1 extra die and a re-roll, as if someone had spent a Major Action to Aid you. - We are no longer using Transient (one-shot) Secular Power or Resources. How to Do Secular Actions Anything you attempt to do in downtime (that is, between games) is considered a Secular Action, and uses your Secular Power, shown at the top of your character sheet. This number (from 1 to 4) represents your influence in the World of Clay, either through friends, family, contacts, social standing, money, or even just through force of personality. Your Secular Power gives you dice with which to perform Endeavors. You get one Major Endeavor at your full Secular Power, and that many dice again to split up among Minor Endeavors. Therefore, if you have a Secular Power of 3, you get 3 dice on your Major Endeavor, and an additional 3 dice to split up among Minor Endeavors (either 1 Minor Endeavor at 3 dice, or 1 at 2 and 1 at 1, or three 1-die Endeavors). A complete list of all types of Endeavors is shown below. In addition to your Secular Power dice, you may also get extra dice for each Endeavor in the following ways: a) You may write a short story to describe your action (this is usually worth 1 die). b) Each rank of the listed Profession (see the list, below) adds one die, plus allows you to re-roll one failed die. Any other Profession (if deemed appropriate) gives only a re-roll. c) You may accept "Risk dice", taking a chance of having Problems occur. You may gain up to 3 dice this way, but more Risk dice = a greater chance of something going horribly wrong (see below). d) If someone spends their Major Endeavor helping you, you get 1 extra die and a re-roll. If they spend a Minor Endeavor, you get to re-roll one failed die. e) An appropriate Resource (Affection or Wealth) or Technique may add one die. Each die is rolled by the StoryGuides: 1-3 = a failure, 4-6 = a success. If you took at least one Risk dice, you may also choose to perform an action Recklessly. This means it is easy to find out what you are doing, but it gives you +1 on every die rolled (including the Risk dice, so beware!). Each Risk dice is rolled a second time to determine whether a Problem occurs: again, 1-3 = a failure, 4-6 = a success. The more successes, the greater the Problem. If you take NO Risk dice, a single die is rolled and results in a Problem only on a 6. The difficulty of an Endeavor is set by the SGs (usually 4), representing the number of successes you will need to complete the action. Standard difficulties for most actions are listed below. Most Endeavors can take multiple turns to perform, and the successes are accumulated towards the total needed. Each month you spend NOT working on a project will result in a single success being removed from those you have accumulated. Some actions, however, MUST be completed all in one month (these are called Short Term actions). Others have much higher difficulties than normal (double the listed difficulty) and are called Long Term actions. List of Possible Endeavors: Acquire - gain Temporary Resources (wealth, spies, thugs, etc). Temporary Resources behave the same as Permanent ones, but can be lost over the course of gameplay (while Permanent ones cannot). This action uses the Criminal or Power Monger Professions. Acquire requires 4 Successes to perform. Augment - gain Temporary Secular Power dice for future Endeavors. Temporary Secular Power adds to your Permanent Secular Power, and behaves the same except that it can be lost over the course of gameplay. This action uses the Power Monger Profession, and requires 3 Successes/rank of Temporary Secular Power you are trying to achieve (ie, if you are working towards 2 Temporary Secular Power, the difficulty is 6). Cry Havoc - cause bloody mayhem in a region of the city so that all Moral characters in that area must test to resist Trauma. This action uses the Bully Profession, and may be aided by Thugs. Cry Havoc requires 4 Successes. Hide - increase the difficulty of being Hunted (usually a Short Term action). This action uses the Criminal Profession and requires 2 Successes to perform. Hunt - search for someone in the city to force an encounter (a scene). Hunt is usually a Short Term action. You must have a reasonable amount of information about the target in order to Hunt for them. This action uses the Investigator Profession, and requires a number of Successes equal to the Secular Power of the target, plus 2. Intimidate - harrass a specific person in the city to give them trauma. Again, this requires that you have a reasonable amount of information about the target. This action uses the Bully Profession, and requires a minimum of 3 Successes (more if you are trying to be especially flashy). Investigation - gather information about events or characters in the city. If you are trying to gather real-time information (ie, spying), this is a Short Term action. If you are looking for information about something that is not at all current (like a death that occurred 10 years ago, or information about the history of a character), you must do a Research action instead. This action uses the Investigator Profession. Duh. The difficulty varies, but is always a minimum of 3. If you are spying on someone, the difficulty is the same as for Hunt actions. Masterpiece - create a great work of art, which inspires the creator with a temporary Cinematic Point. This action is often Long Term, depending on the type of art created. This is a Personal Action, meaning no Aid actions or Resources may be used. This action uses the Artist Profession, and requires 6 Successes (12 for Long Term). Patrol - block one Cry Havoc action in a specific region of the city. If no Cry Havoc occurs that month, then one Hunt, Sabotage, Persecute, or Intimidate action is blocked instead (this is always a Short Term action). This action uses the Guardian Profession, and requires 3 Successes. Persecute - reduce someone's Secular Power by 1 for a month (usually Short Term). If several people do this at once, the effects stack. If you prefer, you have the option of attacking the target's Temporary Secular Power or Resources instead. If successful, this will remove one Secular Power or one Resource, at random. This action uses the Rebel Profession and requires a number of Successes equal to the Secular Power of the target. Player Defined - any action not listed here. Difficulties vary. Predomination - manipulate the masses so as to affect the Embodiment of a part of the city (Long Term). No Professions or Resources may apply. The difficulty varies depending on the current Preeminence (6 to create a Normal area, 8 to create a Pleasant or Slum, 10 to create a Paradise or Hellhole). See the Preeminence section for more details. Protect - protect a character from any Investigations or Hunts directed against them (always a Short Term action). This action uses the Guardian Profession, and requires 3 Successes. Rehabilitate - gives you a test to heal one Traumatic Wound. This action uses the Artist or Therapist Professions. This is a Personal Action, meaning no aid (other than from a Therapist) or Resources may be used. For Surface or Severe wounds, 3 Successes are required. For Mortal wounds, 5 Successes are required. Research - search for information about any topic. This action is considered Long Term if you are looking for especially obscure information. You must have a starting point for your research. This action uses the Academic Profession, and requires 4 Successes (8 for Long Term). Sabotage - cause Problems for someone else as they perform Secular Actions in a month (Short Term). This action uses the Rebel Profession, and requires 5 Successes for a general attack, or 3 if you actually know what actions they are trying to perform. You may also couple a Sabotage action with an Investigation... if the Investigation is successful, the difficulty for Sabotage is 3. Training - gain a bonus (a Potent Inspiration to your Warfare) in your next combat scene. This action uses any Body Profession. The difficutly is equal to your current Warfare rank. For more details, please talk to the StoryGuide. |
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